Challenges of employees in a work from home environment amidst pandemic: impact on productivity

  • Jessie I. Quierrez Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Ann-Lyn O. Vinuya Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Jennifer DG Munsayac Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Julius Sabando Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Keywords: challenges, work-from-home, pandemic period, productivity, employees


This study focused on determining the challenges of Filipino employees who are on a work from home environment during the pandemic period and assessed how it impacts on their productivity. A total of 400 respondents from various industries in Metro Manila, currently on a work-from-home environment, participated on this study. Findings revealed that during work hours, employees talk less with their coworkers, which means there are fewer chances for social interaction with other people. A lack of supervision and communication with coworkers, a desire to work on-site, a lack of extracurricular activities, and reconnecting with coworkers through team building all have a moderate impact on their productivity.

How to Cite
Quierrez, J. I., Vinuya, A.-L. O., Munsayac, J. D., & Sabando, J. (2024). Challenges of employees in a work from home environment amidst pandemic: impact on productivity. Global Advances in Business Studies, 3(2), 102-111.